Meet the designer!
Heather Saucier
Growing up I fell in love with all things pretty. Weddings were my first hook, so in the early 90's I enrolled in Olds College in the Floristry program. It was the perfect start to the mechanics, basics and 101 of the knowledge I would require for the path I was inevitably on. However, my real education came when I was working in an upscale flower shop in Calgary under the tutelage of one of the most amazing designers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. For 6 years we worked together making beautiful creations, hundreds of weddings later I had certainly paid my dues. Although my life has taken me from florist, to stay at home mom to downtown in Oil & Gas, I was never able to shake my wedding addiction. I haven't gone more than a few months without a wedding or two, I consider that an honour and a treat. Speaking of all things pretty, I love showing up at a party bearing gifts. Typically they include any combination of flowers, food, wine and a gift. After years of prodding from my friends I decided to take their advice and create a business out of it. Whether it is a one time specialty box for a new addition to the family or the ever so clever husband who opt's for a special box each month to be delivered to his bride. I promise, she will be the envy of the office when the delivery arrives, always a crowd to see what treasures that month brings.